
杨剑飞, 王宇, 杨琳, 李玉花*
东北林业大学生命科学学院, 哈尔滨150040

通信作者:李玉花;E-mail: lyhshen@126.com;Tel: 0451-82191733

摘 要:

光敏色素互作因子(PIFs)蛋白家族隶属于bHLH转录因子家族, 参与多种信号转导途径, 调控植物的生长发育进程, 如抑制种子萌发、促进幼苗的暗形态建成和调控开花时间等。作为一个胞内信号调控的重要组分, PIFs广泛参与到由多种植物内源激素如赤霉素、乙烯、生长素、油菜素内酯、脱落酸和外部环境因素如高温、光等所介导的信号网络中。本文从PIFs的结构、参与途径及调控植物发育进程3个方面, 简要介绍近年来国内外对PIFs在信号网络调控方面的最新研究进展。

关键词:PIFs ; 信号转导; 植物发育

收稿:2014-05-12   修定:2014-07-18


Phytochrome-Interacting Factors Integrate Multiple Signals to Control Plant Growth and Development

YANG Jian-Fei, WANG Yu , YANG Lin, LI Yu-Hua*
College of Life Sciences, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China

Corresponding author: LI Yu-Hua; E-mail: lyhshen@126.com; Tel: 0451-82191733


Phytochrome-interacting factors (PIFs), which belong to a small subset of basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcriptional factors, play important roles in various signal transduction pathways to control plant growth and development such as repression of seed germination, promotion of seedling skotomorphogenesis and regulation of flowering time through regulated expression of over a thousand genes. Recently, PIFs have been identified to integrate multiple signals for internal plant hormone factors such as gibberellins, ethylene, auxin, brassinosteroid, abscisic acid and for external factors like temperature and light, to regulate the transcriptional network, acting as pivotal components in cellular signal hub. In this paper, the latest advances in research of PIFs’ function on signal pathways are reviewed in order to highlight from the aspects of structure, signal transduction and regulation.

Key words: PIFs; signal transduction; plant development

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